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It was my great pleasure to work at the National Cathedral (properly, the Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul) for fifteen years. Many historic events happened there including a visit by Queen Elizabeth II, the funeral service of General Omar Bradley and the final stone setting service when President George H. W. Bush gave the keynote speech.
washington national cathedral
A Story:
I was asked to photograph the symbolic setting of the first stone of the final pier atop the cathedral. At that time there was only a flat surface there with scaffolding for the stone masons. So…at that moment, I was the highest human being in Washington with nothing but sky all around me, clinging onto the scaffolding with my left arm and taking pictures with the camera in my right hand (shaking badly!) Did I mention I am acrophobic?
Announcing the restart of building at the cathedral
Maestro Antal Dorati conducts Handel's "Messiah"
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Actor Bob Hope eulogizes Mildred Pepper wife of Congressman Claude Pepper
Children's choir
Maestro Paul Calloway receives applause
Christmas service from beneath the west rose window
Jazz great Dave Brubeck rehearses an original work with conductor Wayne Dirksen
Netherlands Day at the annual Open House
President George H. W. Bush gives the keynote speech at the final stone setting ceremony while Mrs Bush looks on
Queen Elizabeth II visits the cathedral
Installation service for the new presiding bishop Edmond Browning
Neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson
Dr. Robert Schuller with Dean Nathan Baxter
England Day at the annual Open House
Frederick Hart's model for "Ex Nihilo"
Concert view from the north transept
Funeral service for General of the Armies Omar Bradley
Canon Jeffrey Cave and Bishop of Washington John Walker greet President George H. W. Bush and his family after his inaugural service
Maestro Leonard Bernstein conducts the National Symphony Orchestra at the Stravinsky 100th birthday celebration
Gustav Mahler's "Symphony of a 1,000"
Master stone carver Vincent Palumbo and his team
Rodney Winfield's stained glass "Space" window with an embedded moon rock
'Seeing' the face of Helen Keller
The St. Andrew's Pipers
The orchestra takes five
President Bush watches as the final stone is set atop the cathedral
Willard Scott does his "Today Show" broadcast from the cathedral
The Cathedral under construction
Exterior construction of the Cathedral west front
Mistislav Rostropovich and Norman Scribner acknowledge applause
World bishops convocation service