So many things waiting to be photographed, so little time…
Air Florida crash site on the Potomac during a blizzard
Air show - Manassas, VA
Near miss by the Army Precision Drill Team
The Blue Angels perform
Bottles in the window
Christmas lights
Congressional Cemetery - Washington, D. C.
Cooling off in the Reflecting Pool - Washington, D. C.
How I remember the 1960's
Morning swim - Puget Sound, WA
Fourth of July Fireworks - Washington, D. C.
Gator approaching - The Bayou, LA
Hector on the prowl
Homeless and cold - Washington, D. C.
Jelly fish - Aquarium of the Americas - New Orleans, LA
Kiss, kiss - Eugene, OR
Kite Flying Festival - Washington, D. C.
Summer at Buck Mountain Farm, VA
Little girl, big fish - Aquarium of the Americas - New Orleans, LA
Lost tombstones - Arlington National Cemetery
Fourth of July fireworks - Washington. D. C.
Neon Art - Smithsonian Institution - Washington, D. C.
Orchids - Longwood Gardens. PA
Jazz at Preservation Hall - New Orleans, LA
Hammer thrower at the Scottish Games - Alexandria, VA
Sitting quietly in the snow
A cat and his pet
Stained glass widows - Washington National Cathedral
Summer on the lake
Tourists cooling off - Washington Mall
Taronga Zoo - Sydney, Australia
Tom Tom
On review - U. S. Naval Academy - Annapolis, MD
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy
Mother and child
Space Shuttle Discovery arrives at Dulles Airport piggy-backed on a Boeing 747
2024 Total Solar Eclipse taken in Norwalk, Ohio on the line of totality